• Contact Us: 813.949.9282


Onsite Courses

Cancellation / Financial Policies


At least one (1) business day prior to the referenced course

– ACLS tuition minus $10 credit card fee

– PALS tuition minus $10 credit card fee

– BLS tuition minus $5 credit card fee

Failure to Cancel*

– No refunds

*Special Consideration will be given in the event of Medical / Family Emergencies, Shift Scheduling


Financial Policies

Credit Card “Chargebacks”

Dealing with “chargebacks” is the equivalent to measures needed for non-sufficient checks.  The original tuition plus $35 will be needed to remove a “void” status being placed on the participant’s course completion card(s).  Our company’s name is most commonly abbreviated to – “Assoc in Emerg Med Educ, Lutz, Florida.”  Please look for this prior to requesting a “chargeback.”

Non-Sufficient Checks

Non-sufficient checks will result in the need to re-pay the original tuition plus $35.  After payment is received, a “void” status will be removed from the participant’s course completion card(s).