• Contact Us: 813.949.9282



The Associates In Emergency Medical Education, Inc., more affectionately known by our trademarked name of “AIEME”, was founded in January of 1995.

We began with 1,200 participants our first year, and have been privileged to serve over 5,000 members of our medical community annually in the last decade. Participants include physicians, nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists and other medically related professionals.

Our goal has always been to provide courses that are practical as well as enjoyable – not just academic hoops required for maintaining licensure. We put a high emphasis on utilizing participant feedback in the planning and development of the original and innovative courses for which we have become known. Focusing on “internalization, not memorization” has become a trademarked philosophy for AIEME and one that has been proven to increase the level of care being afforded to the patients .

AIEME is based out of the Tampa Bay area in Florida but serves hospitals and agencies throughout the United States. Europe, Costa Rica and the Caribbean

Lectures and Conferences
AIEME began serving the medical community in 1995 by conducting ACLS and PALS courses; however, in 2003, we expanded into specialty lectures such as those listed below. Due to their popularity, we have had the privilege of sharing these same lectures across the United States, as well as Europe, the Cayman Islands and Central America. In 2009, we are scheduled to present our first national conference, “Users & Abusers: What’s a doctor to do?”

Street & Designer Drugs – This lecture may be conducted in a 60, 90, or 180 minute format. Audience members will be introduced to drug identification techniques, physical examination caveats, treatment protocols and potential violence and safety issues. This lecture may be modified for non-medical audiences such as corporate executives, law enforcement / attorneys, and community members such as parents, coaches and teachers.

Gang Violence in the ER – This presentation is designed to facilitate staff members in the treatment of gang members presenting to the ER. Identification based on tattoos, “colors”, clothing and gang “language” can prepare the medical professional to potentially avert the crisis situation and staff / patient injury. Specific topics include identification, personal safety, and corporate risk management protocols.

Real World ACLS – This 3 hour lecture is designed to provide you with the foundation needed to successfully complete your ACLS provider course. More importantly, it will help prepare you for the time when you may truly be called upon to provide advanced cardiac life support. Sharon Kelley, our speaker, has been teaching ACLS for almost to 20 years and has designed this lecture with the intent of going above and beyond what the manuals will provide. She focuses on the “Real World” application and how participants should “internalize, not memorize” what is happening to the patient thus making it easier to understand the best treatment options. An excellent review for the year in between ACLS training courses as well as a review prior to the initial or renewal course.

Additional lectures provided by AIEME:

Courtroom / Deposition Testimony for Medical Professionals
Understanding anti-arrhythmics
Rapid sequence intubation
Emergency “Twelve Lead”

For information on scheduling a lecture at your facility or how to register for an existing conference, please click on the “Contact Us” icon and someone will contact you within one business day.


AIEME will be conducting their first national conference in 2009. Users and Abusers – Based on a growing concern among ER staff regarding the “drug seeker”, this conference will bring in experts on managing the chronic pain management patient, legal responsibilities, street and designer drug identification and treatment considerations.

For information on scheduling a conference at your facility or how to register for an existing conference, please click on the “Contact Us” icon and someone will contact you within one business day.
